Diagnostic Labs
The department has 3 diagnostic labs:
- Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic
The PDDC provides assistance in identifying plant diseases and provides educational information on plant diseases and their control.PDDC clients include agricultural and horticultural producers (e.g., farmers, nursery owners), agricultural and horticultural professionals (e.g., crop consultants, arborists), home gardeners, Extension staff and Master Gardener volunteers, and state and local government (e.g., Wisconsin DNR, city and county foresters). - Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab
The Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab (TDL) provides fast and accurate diagnostic information and management recommendations for all turf health issues concerning both commercial turfgrass managers and homeowners. Proper diagnosis and management can provide a lush, healthy stand of turf with limited pesticide applications that will benefit the environment, increase property values, and allow for recreational activity. The Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab is a nonprofit service supported by faculty and staff in the departments of Plant Pathology, Horticulture, Soil Science, and Entomology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. - Nematode Diagnostic Clinic
Nematodes outnumber every other animal on the planet. Most nematodes in agricultural fields are beneficial to soil health, but some genera are parasites capable of causing yield loss to many crops. Nematode pests are not likely to dissappear once they have invaded a field, but they can be managed. Our assay service identifies plant parasitic nematodes to the genus level and estimates their potential to cause yield loss. An accurate profile of the types and numbers of pest nematodes is important for explaining damage to the current crop, predicting damage to future crops, and selecting appropriate measures to keep nematode pests from reaching damaging levels.