Undergrad Courses
Check the Course Guide or with the Student Services Coordinator for specific course offerings in a given semester.
Info About PL PATH/BOTANY 123 Plant Pathology/Botany 123 is a non-majors course that is recommended for incoming freshmen, transfer students and non-biological science students who need to meet a biological science breadth category. This course is also great for freshmen-level biological science students who wish to take a fun biological science course.
PL PATH/BOTANY 123 Plants, Parasites, And People, 3 cr, Profs. Allen, Bent, Kabbage, MacGuidwin & Rakotondrafara, offered Fall, Spring, and Summer (online).
Course Description: The course will explore the interaction between society and plant-associated microbes. Topics include: the Irish potato famine, pesticides in current agriculture, role of economics and consumer preference in crop disease management and the release of genetically engineered organisms. Course is highly interactive with a fun weekly lab. Please contact Allee Hochmuth for wait list information.
Pre-Reqs: Open to Fr
PL PATH/HORT 261 Sustainable Turfgrass Use and Management, 2 cr, Prof. Koch, offered Fall (online).
Course Description: Sustainable use and management of turfgrass landscapes in urban and suburban environments, including home lawns, golf courses, and sports fields. Focus is on creating sustainable and attractive turfgrass landscapes through proper species selection, use of slow-release or organic fertilizer practices, and minimizing the use of pesticides and supplemental irrigation.
Pre-Reqs: None
PL PATH/HORT 262 Turfgrass Management Laboratory, 1 cr, Prof. Koch, offered Fall.
Course Description: Hands-on turf establishment, cool- and warm-season grass, seed and weed identification, chemical application, and turf cultivation techniques and equipment use, plus field trips to major league sport facilities and golf courses.
Pre-Reqs: HORT 261 or concurrent enrollment
PL PATH 299 Independent Study, 1-3 cr.
Course Description: Independent study course for freshmen, sophomores and juniors.
Pre-Reqs: Open to Fr, So or Jr st & written cons inst
PL PATH 300 Introduction to Plant Pathology, 4 cr, Prof. Rouse, offered Fall.
Course Description: Economic importance, symptoms, causes, and methods of control of representative plant diseases.
Pre-Reqs: Intro course in both
PL PATH 311 Global Food Security, 3 cr, Prof. Barak, offered Fall (now available to students in all majors!).
Course Description: Isn’t having enough food a basic human right? Exploration of the drivers of food insecurity: barriers to food production (pests, land availability, climate), barriers to food availability (politics, price, biofuels), and a greater need due to population growth. Examination of solutions to food insecurity.
Pre-Reqs: Sophomore standing
PL PATH/SOIL SCI 323 Soil Biology, 3 cr, Profs. Hickey and MacGuidwin, offered Fall.
Course Description: Nature, activities and role of organisms inhabiting soil. Effects of soil biota on ecosystem function, response to cultural practices, and impacts on environmental quality, including bioremediation of contaminated soils.
Pre-Reqs: CHEM 104 and BOTANY 130 or equiv
PL PATH/BOTANY 332 Fungi, 4 cr, Prof. Kabbage, offered Spring.
Course Description: Growth, development, variability and dispersal of saprophytic, parasitic, and symbiotic fungi, with a consideration of their ecological and economic significance.
Pre-Reqs: A 5 cr intro crse in botany
PL PATH/ENTOM/HORT/SOIL SCI 354 Diagnosing and Monitoring Pest and Nutrient Status of Field Crops, 1 cr, Instructors Jensen, Hudelson, Sturgl, offered Spring during winter break.
Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with information necessary to diagnosis and monitor corn, soybean, alfalfa and wheat for pests (insects, weeds, diseases) and nutrient deficiency symptoms including perspectives from Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology and Soil Science. Proper soil and pest sampling information will be provided as will proper crop staging techniques which are essential for pest and nutrient management.
Pre-Reqs: None
HORT/A A E/AGRONOMY/PL PATH 367 Introduction To Organic Agriculture: Production, Markets, And Policy, 3 cr.
Course Description: Provides an in-depth understanding of the history of organic agriculture, its production, processing, marketing, and social dimensions, and its impact on environmental, community, and human health. Enroll Info: None
Pre-Reqs: ENVIR ST/AGROECOL/AGRONOMY/C&E SOC/ENTOM 103 or graduate/professional standing
PL PATH/ENVIR ST/M&E TOX 368 Environmental Law, Toxic Substances, and Conservation, 2 cr, offered occasionally.
Course Description: Development of and need for “environmental law”; an introduction to the legal system; public and private rights in the environment; regulation of pesticides and toxic substances; environmental legislation and rulemaking; environmental impact statements; professionals as expert witnesses. No prior knowledge of law assumed. For scientists and others dealing with environmental issues in academia, industry and government.
Pre-Reqs: So st
PL PATH 375 Special Topics, 1-4 cr.
Course Description: Subjects of current interest to undergrads. See the Course Guide for current topics.
Pre-Reqs: Cons inst
PL PATH 399 Coordinative Internship/Cooperative Education, 1-8 cr.
Course Description: Internship credit for sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Pre-Reqs: So, Jr or Sr st and cons supervising inst, advisor, and internship program coordinator
PL PATH/ENTOM/BOTANY 505 Plant-Microbe Interactions: Molecular and Ecological Aspects, 3 cr, Profs. Barak, Bent, Kabbage, Rakotondrafara, offered Spring.
Course Description: Molecular and ecological aspects of the interactions between plants and microorganisms. This course explores many of the themes, from genetic to integrative, of modern biology, and illustrates how study of plant-microbe interactions contributes to understanding of fundamental plant science.
Pre-Reqs: An upper level crse in microbiol (e.g. MICRO 303); biochem (e.g. BIOCHEM 501); & genetics (e.g. GENETICS 466) or cons inst
PL PATH 517 Plant Disease Resistance, 3 cr, Prof. Bent, offered Fall (even years).
Course Description: Host resistance in plant disease control. Conceptual and applied aspects of resistance: how it works, why it sometimes fails, and the traditional and modern techniques used for evaluating host resistance and incorporating resistance factors into new plant varieties.
Pre-Reqs: PL PATH 300 & genetics or plant breeding crse, or cons inst
PL PATH 559 Diseases of Economic Plants, 3 cr, Prof. Rouse, offered Summer (odd years).
Course Description: Symptoms, epidemiology and control of diseases of crop plants; emphasis on disease diagnosis. Plant disease clinic, field trips, lectures and lab.
Pre-Reqs: PL PATH 300 and 332
PL PATH 590 Capstone in Plant Pathology, 1-4 cr
Course Description: Synthesizing research-based capstone experience for students majoring in Plant Pathology. Students will develop problem-solving skills, be exposed to multidisciplinary approaches, develop teamwork and interpersonal skills, develop information resources, consider societal, economic, ethical, scientific and professional aspects of the field, and prepare and present written and/or oral reports.
Pre-Reqs: Senior standing
PL PATH 602 Ecology, Epidemiology and Control of Plant Diseases, 3 cr, Prof. Lankau, offered Fall (even years).
Course Description: Environmental factors in the development and spread of diseases, pathogen variability, genetics of disease resistance, and principles of disease control.
Pre-Reqs: Knowledge equiv to that obtained in PL PATH 300, BOTANY 332, STAT 571, MATH 212, or cons inst
PL PATH/SOIL SCI/M&E TOX/ENTOM/VET SCI/F&W ECOL 606 Colloquium in Environmental Toxicology, 1 cr, Profs. Pederson and Hickey, offered Fall and Spring.
Course Description: Current topics in molecular and environmental toxicology and problems related to biologically active substances in the environment. Topics vary each semester. Lectures are by resident and visiting professors and other researchers.
Pre-Reqs: BIOLOGY 101, BOTANY 130, or equivalent
PL PATH/MICRO 622 Plant-Bacterial Interactions, 2-3 cr, Prof. Allen, offered Fall (odd years).
Course description: The course will explore the interactions between bacteria and plants. Topics include: the physiology, genetics, and ecology of bacterial pathogens, epiphytes, and symbionts of plants.
Pre-Reqs: A course in MICRO; GENETICS 466 or equiv; BIOCHEM 501 or equiv; or cons inst
PL PATH/ONCOLOGY/MICRO 640 General Virology-Multiplication of Viruses, 3 cr, Profs. Ahlquist and Kalejta, offered Fall.
Course Description: Bacterial and animal viruses, their structure, multiplication, and genetics.
Pre-Reqs: Intro crses in bact, biochem & genetics
PL PATH/MICRO/BOTANY/GENETICS/M M&I 655 Biology and Genetics of Filamentous Fungi, 3-4 cr, Profs. Keller and Yu, offered Fall (even years).
Course Description: Fungal genetics, genomics, and physiology using plant pathogenic fungi and the genetic models Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa as model systems to explore the current knowledge of fungal genetics and plant/fungal interactions. Enrollment open to graduate students, but undergraduates welcome to contact instructor for permission. All students should have some prior coursework in genetics (such as GENETICS 466 or 467) and microbiology (such as MICROBIO 303). It is also recommended that students take PL PATH 300 & 332 prior to this course.
Pre-Reqs: Graduate or professional standing
Pl Path 699 Special Problems, 1-5 cr.
Course Description: Independent study for seniors.
Pre-Reqs: Sr st & cons inst